1inch Network is a decentralized finance (DeFi) liquidity aggregator protocol that provides access to hundreds of liquidity sources across multiple chains.
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1inch Network is a decentralized finance (DeFi) liquidity aggregator protocol that provides access to hundreds of liquidity sources across multiple chains.
Last updated
Open the 1inch.io website.
Connect your wallet and select the chain.
Set the currency and quantity you want to exchange.
Click “Swap”.
You can receive tokens on another wallet if you want. Check this option if needed.
Confirm the swap.
Open “Trade” > “Advanced Mode” from the menu bar.
The steps are the same as in simple mode except you can see the swap route 1inch will use and comparison with other exchanges.
Select “Trade” > “Limit order” from the menu.
Limit order allows you to set a specific price you want to sell or buy tokens in a period of time.
Select the currency and amount to sell.
Choose the currency you want to buy and how much.
Set an expiration date.
Click “Review limit order” to confirm.
Now you can see your order in the main dashboard.
When the conditions are met, the order will be closed.
Go to “DAO” > “Staking”.
Switch to Ethereum network.
Choose an amount of 1inch tokens to stake.
Set lock duration (minimum 1 month).
Click “Stake”.
You can vote directly on proposals by clicking “DAO” > “Snapshot” on the menu bar.
Go to “Earn” > “Delegate” menu to delegate your voting power using your staked 1inch tokens.
Choose “Earn” > “Strategies” from the menu.
Click on available pool.
You can do it also on Polygon network.
Choose an amount of 1inch tokens to stake.