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Navigate to in your web browser.
Connect your wallet, which can be found in the top right corner of the page.
This is a multichain swap platform, allowing you to swap tokens between different chains.
Select the chain from which you wish to swap.
Choose the currency and the amount you wish to swap.
Set the receiving chain and the token you wish to receive.
Confirm the transaction by clicking the “SWAP” button and approve it in your wallet.
Open the “Earn” tab.
Expand the pool of interest from the list by clicking the arrow on the right.
Deposit tokens into the pool.
Select the number of tokens you wish to deposit.
Confirm the deposit by clicking the “Deposit” button.
In the next step, select the quantity to stake and click “Approve”.
Open the “Earn” tab.
Click on “Withdraw”.
In the first step, set the amount to unstake and confirm by clicking the “UNSTAKE” button.
In the second step, select the quantity to withdraw and click “Approve”. Please refer to the official page for rules about withdrawing.
Click on the “Stake” tab in the menu bar.
Select the amount of WOO tokens to stake and click “Approve”.
Above the amount field, you can click “Unstake” to remove your tokens from the pool.
Choose the “Claim” option to collect your staking rewards or “Compound” to add them to the staking pool.
If you prefer to trade in a classic CEX orderbook manner with more tools, try the beta version of
The Dashboard provides DEX stats.
WooFi is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that enables users to swap, stake, and earn crypto and trade perpetual futures across every major blockchain