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Go to the website and connect your wallet, such as MetaMask.
Select the trading pair you want to swap.
Specify the amount of tokens you want to swap.
Confirm the transaction in your wallet to complete the swap.
To add funds to the liquidity pool, select the appropriate trading pair and go to the "Liquidity" tab on the platform.
Choose "Add Liquidity" and provide an equal value of both tokens in the pair.
You will receive LP tokens (Liquidity Provider tokens) representing your share in the pool.
To withdraw funds from the liquidity pool, select "Remove Liquidity" and choose the pair and the amount you want to withdraw.
Vemute is a feature that allows users to hedge their positions in case of price drops on trading pairs. You can enter Vemute by purchasing Vemute tokens and providing them as collateral.
Bonds in are a risk management mechanism. You can purchase bonds to protect your positions from adverse price movements.
If the price of assets in the underlying pool drops, bonds can help safeguard your funds.
Amplifier is a mechanism that allows you to increase or decrease the risk associated with your position. You can adjust the amplifier to increase or decrease potential gains and losses.
A higher amplifier means greater risk but also greater profit potential. is a platform that enables users to put their money, swap tokens, get returns, and join bond programs on the zkSync network.