DeBank is an innovative Web3 platform providing services like social networking, wallets, data analytics, and swap functionality. Key features include Rabby Wallet for DeFi users, DeBank Stream for content publishing, DeBank Hi for Web3 messaging, and the DeBank Chain as a Layer2 solution. These offerings aim to enhance user experience and financial management in the decentralized world.
Mint Web3 ID
One of possible criterias for Debank airdrop may be to have Web3 ID.
Click "Mint your WEB3 ID!" on the home page.
Enter ID you want to mint.
If its available you need to pay $96 for mint
Confirm with your wallet
Claim Badges
Debank rewards web3 users with badges. There is no utility at this point but they may be taken into account when airdrop is distributed.
Click "Badge" on the main screen and "View all badges" next. You will see a list of all available badges on Debank to get. If you met the criteria for claming a badge click on it and you will be directed to badge page.
If you are qualifying to claim a badge click "Mint". Badge will be assigned to your account.
You can see all claimed badges on main page under "Badge"
Register DeBank L2
To be able to send messages and use other social activities on DeBank you need to register DeBank L2 and deposit some funds.
Click on "DeBank L2 Unregistered" on Home page. You will be directed to your DeBank L2 dashboard where you can make deposit or withdraw assets. You will see also all your payments history but first you need to Register.
Click "Register" button and select chain and pay message fee. Now you will be able to make a deposit.
Send message
Debank gives users the ability to send messages among themselves. Next to the button to send a message you will see "Hi offer price". This is the price you have to pay to a particular user to start a conversation with him.
You can search any user by wallet address or Web3 ID.
Social Networking
You can use Debank to be in touch with your community and share interesting content.
On the home screen click "Post" to create new one.
In addition to creating a classic post you can make a thread, well known on X or Poll.
Besides of that you can reward your community with prizes in LuckyDraw or you can pay to ask experienced web3 users with AskPro option and receive share when other users will pay to see the answer.
Last updated