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Navigate to the website.
Connect your wallet by clicking on the wallet icon located at the top right corner of the webpage.
Choose the tokens and specify the amount you wish to swap.
Click on the ‘Swap’ button and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Click on the ‘Pool’ tab.
This section allows you to claim rewards, as well as add or remove liquidity.
Select the pair you wish to supply from the list on the left side of the screen.
Click on ‘Add Liquidity’.
On the following screen, input the amount you wish to add and confirm the transaction with your wallet.
OasisSwap provides the option for users to stake PSI tokens to earn a share of the fees.
Click on ‘Stake’ in the menu bar.
This section allows you to stake, unstake, or check your position.
Enter the amount of PSI tokens you wish to stake and confirm the transaction with your wallet.
OasisSwap is a decentralized automated market maker (AMM) that allows users to swap tokens, provide liquidity, and earn rewards on the Oasis Network