Skydrome Finance is a project that aims to provide a decentralized platform for swapping and lending crypto assets.
Open app.skydrome.finance in your browser.
Connect your wallet.
Select tokens you want to swap.
Choose quantity. It will calculate automatically how many tokens you will receive.
Click Approve to confirm.
Add Liquidity
Click Add Liquidity or Manage on the pair you are interested in.
If you clicked Add Liquidity you need select a pair of tokens by your own.
Through Manage option tokens will be selected automatically.
Set amount of first token to supply. Sydrome will calculate second one with the same value.
Click Add liquidity on the bottom.
Now you can see your position on Liquidity Pools list.
Click Manage to add more or remove liquidity.
Withdraw Liquidity
Click Manage button on your liquidity position
Select Withdraw
Choose amount of LP token to withdraw
Confirm with the Withdraw button
Last updated